Aglc Casino Use Of Proceeds

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Casino proceeds Groups that had a casino event in the same region and quarter receive an equal share of proceeds. The amount of proceeds varies among regions and quarters. AGLC provides casino proceeds by electronic funds transfer. Groups receive proceeds about six to eight weeks after the end of. Local groups provide volunteer workers to the casino and are assigned a portion of the proceeds. A sudden move wouldn’t be fair to the Lodge or its owner, Mayfield Investments, he said.

SPORTS – USE OF PROCEEDS Gaming proceeds may be used to support eligible sports groups: 1. Gaming proceeds may be used to pay for the rental fees of a facility or venue for the group’s sporting events. Starting in 1976, the casino licensing system was based on “casinos being an alternative fundraising activity by eligible community organizations, which were required to be accountable for the use of proceeds and the conduct and management of casino gambling being the responsibility of the charity” (Alberta Gaming and Liquor.

Summary Regarding Curling Club Casino Funds


All forms can be found on the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission website

Funds must be spent within 24 months of receipt of gaming proceeds. You must submit a detailed business case for approval from the Commission if you would like to carry the money beyond the 24 months.

  • Casino #1 Nov. 15 &16, 2001
  • Casino #2 Aug 7 & 8, 2003
  • Casino #3 Dec 13 & 14, 2005
  • Casino #4 Mar 11 &12, 2008
  • Casino #5 Nov 17 & 18, 2010
  • Casino #6 Dec 5 & 6, 2013
  • Casino #7 Oct 31 & Nov. 1, 2016

Excerpts from GAIN (Gaming Information for Charitable Groups) Manual

Page 21 – Sports Groups – Eligibility

  • deliver a structured, developmental, amateur sports program to the public on an individual or team basis; adult sports groups may be eligible if:
    • programs are open, advertised, and promoted to the general public;
    • basic eligibility requirements are met;
    • they deliver a structured and developmental youth program comprised of 75% youth; and,
    • they use a minimum of 50% of gaming proceeds on youth programs

Page 36 – Annual Donations within Alberta greater than $1,000 requires:

Aglc Casino Use Of Proceeds Money

  • A written request from the donor group detailing the :
    • intended recipient’s name and address
    • amount of the donation
    • purpose(s) for each donation

Aglc Casino Use Of Proceeds Tax

  • A written agreement provided by the donor group and signed by the recipient group, stating it will:
    • maintain a record of donations showing date, amount, source of donated funds and date, amount and purpose of disbursements
    • allow the Commission access to all records
Aglc Casino Use Of Proceeds

Aglc Casino Use Of Proceeds Property

  • A Statutory Declaration sworn by an executive member of the donor group that no group or individual will benefit from the recipient group as a result of the donation.

Page 38 – Facility – Eligible Use of Proceeds

  • Facility disbursements are Eligible if the Facility is owned by the group

Page 41 – Sports – Eligible Use of Proceeds

Aglc Casino Use Of Proceeds Revenue

  • rental fees of a facility or venue for the group’s sporting events
  • coaching/instructor fees if they are essential to the program delivery and their functions can’t be performed by a volunteer (“Request to Use Gaming Proceeds to Pay Wages/Salaries” form must be submitted)
  • membership, registration, affiliation, or insurance fees to tournaments or governing bodies when those fees are related to a group’s objectives.
  • adult sports groups with a youth component must use at least 50% of gaming proceeds on their youth programs.